Dov Paz
Address: Avigdor Hameiri 7 Haifa
Birth Country: Israel
Family Status: Married + 3
Education and Degrees:
1970 - 1974:
Graduated after four years of academic studies in the Graphic Design Department at the "Bezalel Art Academy," Jerusalem.
1967 - 1970:
Certification Studies for the position of Second Assistant Engineer Officer, Israel Naval Merchant Fleet. I acquired extensive professional experience in sailing and seamanship, all across theworld for a period of three years.
1961 - 1965:
Completed my studies at the Israel Nautical college, Akko, with a complete matriculation certificateand certification as a Third Assistant Engineer Officer in the Israeli Naval Merchant Fleet.
Professional Experience:
1990 - Present:
Independent studio owner for graphic design and advertising, print productions, exhibition designs, multimedia presentations and building internet sites.
1986 - 1990:
Art Director of the "Shefi" Advertising in Haifa.
1982 - 1986:
Creative Manager and Owner of an advertising agency called "Ben Shaul-Paz-Sela" in Haifa.
1974 - 1982:
With the completion of my svenderatudies at "Bezalel" I was appointed as the Art Director of "Bing-Liniel"Advertising in Haifa.
Throughout the years I designed nationwide campaigns for leading companies like: Zim, Sonol, Telma, Shemen (among other things, designed the original Sod laundry powder), Hamegaper, Zoglovek, the Histadrut elections, the Municipality of Haifa elections, shicun ovdim, Elsint & Intel, Sanyo, Arab Israeli Bank, Layam Company, the Association for the Development of Haifa Tourism, the Nevi’yim Tower, the Israel Nautical college Akko, Aharonson, Bleicher, Druker, Alpha Cosmetics, North Co-op, Chromagen, Hotel Dan Carmel, Kleber Tires, Raphael, the Pantomime Israeli Festival, and more.
I also served as an artistic manager in the production of an image promo for the Electric Company,directed by Jeffrey Eger (including illustration drawings), for which I prepared sets for fiveproductions of the "Dor’Ba" Theater, close to Rothschild House ,in Haifa under the direction of B. Adam.
2009 — Designed, illustrated and produced a book-album on Haifa’s Bat Galim in Haifa my childhood neighborhood. The book is a unique creation of drawing, sketching, photography andwriting, along with 112 pages, which include drawings of the neighborhood buildings, its streetsand their alleys, alongside photos from the present and the past. The book can be found in libraries,historians, investigators of Haifa and the State of Israel as well as generations of the broad publiccitizens.
Teaching Experience:
Since 1976 — Lectured at the "Wizo Academy for Design and Education" in Haifa.
Since 1994 — Professional Manager of the Graphic design studies in the Center for ExternalStudies, at the "Wizo Academy for Design and Education" in Haifa.
Design Awards:
Received nineteen awards (placards, symbols, announcements, calendars and street furniture) andan international award in Calcutta, India.
Painting Exhibitions:
Five solo exhibitions:
1991 — "The Artist House", Haifa.
1986 — "Beit Abba Hushi Gallery," Haifa.
1978, 1982 — "Denya Gallery," Haifa.
1979 — "Ipanema Gallery," Tel-Aviv.
1992 — Participated in a group exhibition that took place in Germany and Austria.
Participated in yearly exhibitions on behalf of the Artists and Sculptors Association.
Several sketches and paintings are presented in galleries in the US and Canada.
Design Exhibitions:
1978 — Participation in the poster exhibition "Brecht", Berlin.
I also dealt with: Book illustrations. Writing articles for the press in conjunction with illustrations. Designing newspapers.
Volunteer Work:
Volunteered as a designer in all of the activities of Theater "Dor-Ba", managed by B. Adam, playwrightand director.
Actively volunteer as part of the staff for the cultivation and assistance of the Bat Galim neighborhoodin Haifa, where I was born and spent my childhood.
Designed a memorial wall for the Israel Nautical College, Akko and additional projects.